Dev C++ Switch

  1. Dev C++ Switch Color
  2. Dev C++ Programs
  3. Dev C++ Switch Statement
  • May 12, 2017  Switch Statement in C/C Switch case statements are a substitute for long if statements that compare a variable to several integral values The switch statement is a multiway branch statement.
  • After doing that it uses the switch case statement, to check if the variable called name2 is 1 or 2 or 3 or 4. After that its adds 1 into counter and shows me the result. The problem currently is that it is not showing anything other then all values = 0.
  • Nov 29, 2016  Delphi is the ultimate IDE for creating cross-platform, natively compiled apps. Are you ready to design the best UIs of your life? Our award winning VCL framework for Windows and FireMonkey (FMX) visual framework for cross-platform UIs provide you with the foundation for intuitive, beautiful.

C: Switch Statements Sometimes when creating a C program, you run into a situation in which you want to compare one thing to a number of other things. Let's say, for example, that you took a character from the user and wanted to compare this to a number of characters to perform different actions. Learning basic C with your self,It is easy! พื้นฐาน c,basic c. ค่าตัวแปรที่ใช้ในการเงื่อนไข จะอยู่หลัง switch และเงื่อนไขจะอยู่หลัง case ส่วนสิ่งที่จะทำหากผล.

Hi everyone! I have some problems with value assignment in my following code, which is to create a very simple calculator which could run computations like 'seven 5 +', which should result in 7 + 5 = 12. It seems that my int variables d1 and d2 do not accept values in switch cases. The problematic statements are indicated by comments in bold and italic next to the statement. Here is the code, and I appreciate your help! Thank you in advance!

void Result_Function(char x, int a, int b);
int t_to_d(string y);
int main()
int d1;
int d2;
string t1;
string t2;
char op;
v[0] = 'zero';
v[1] = 'one';
v[2] = 'two';
v[3] = 'three';
v[4] = 'four';
v[5] = 'five';
v[6] = 'six';
v[7] = 'seven';
v[8] = 'eight';
v[9] = 'nine';
cout << 'Please specify the type of inputs.' << endl;
cout << '(1) digit digit operation -- type 1 n';
cout << '(2) digit text operation -- type 2 n';
cout << '(3) text digit operation -- type 3 n';
cout << '(4) text text operation -- type 4 n';
int type;
cin >> type;
while (type != 1 && type != 2 && type != 3 && type != 4)
cout << 'Sorry! Please only choose to type the numbers from 1 to 4 to specify the kind of inputs you want. n';
cout << 'Please specify the type of inputs.' << endl;
cout << '(1) digit digit operation -- type 1 n';
cout << '(2) digit text operation -- type 2 n';
cout << '(3) text digit operation -- type 3 n';
cout << '(4) text text operation -- type 4 n';
cin >> type;
case 1:
cout << 'You chose digit digit operation. n';
cout << 'Now please enter the digits you want and the operation. n';
cin >> d1 >> d2 >> op;
case 2:
cout << 'You chose the digit text operation. n';
cout << 'Now please enter the digit, text, operation. n';
cin >> d1 >> t2 >> op;
case 3:
cout << 'You chose the text digit operation. n';
cout << 'Now please enter the text, digit, and the operation. n';
cin >> t1 >> d2 >> op;
case 4:
cout << 'You chose the text text opeation. n';
cout << 'Now please enter the texts and operation. n';
cin >> t1 >> t2 >> op;
d1 = t_to_d(t1);
d2 = t_to_d(t2);
void Result_Function(char x, int a, int b)
case '+':
cout << 'The sum of ' << a << ' and ' << b << ' is: ' << a + b << endl;
case '-':
cout << 'The subtraction of ' << a << ' and ' << b << ' is: ' << a - b << endl;
case '*':
cout << 'The product of ' << a << ' and ' << b << ' is: ' << a*b << endl;
case '/':
double q = a/b;
cout << 'The quotient of ' << a << ' and ' << b << ' is: ' << setprecision(20) << q << endl;
int t_to_d(string y)
v[0] = 'zero';
v[1] = 'one';
v[2] = 'two';
v[3] = 'three';
v[4] = 'four';
v[5] = 'five';
v[6] = 'six';
v[7] = 'seven';
v[8] = 'eight';
v[9] = 'nine';
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if(v[i] y)
return i;

Allows selection among multiple sections of code, depending on the value of an integral expression.


switch ( [initialization;] expression)
[default :statement]


The expression must have an integral type, or be a class type that has an unambiguous conversion to integral type. Integral promotion takes place as described in Standard conversions.

The switch statement body consists of a series of case labels and an optional default label. Collectively, the statements that follow the labels are called labeled statements. The labeled statements aren't syntactic requirements, but the switch statement is meaningless without them. No two constant expressions in case statements may evaluate to the same value. The default label may appear only once. The default statement is often placed at the end, but it can appear anywhere in the body of the switch statement. A case or default label can only appear inside a switch statement.

The constant-expression in each case label is converted to the type of expression. Then, it's compared with expression for equality. Control passes to the statement whose caseconstant-expression matches the value of expression. The resulting behavior is shown in the following table.

Switch statement behavior

Converted value matches that of the promoted controlling expression.Control is transferred to the statement following that label.
None of the constants match the constants in the case labels; a default label is present.Control is transferred to the default label.
None of the constants match the constants in the case labels; no default label is present.Control is transferred to the statement after the switch statement.

If a matching expression is found, execution can continue through later case or default labels. The break statement is used to stop execution and transfer control to the statement after the switch statement. Without a break statement, every statement from the matched case label to the end of the switch, including the default, is executed. For example:

In the above example, uppercase_A is incremented if c is an uppercase 'A'. The break statement after uppercase_A++ terminates execution of the switch statement body and control passes to the whileSwagger on dev environment c. loop. Without the break statement, execution would 'fall through' to the next labeled statement, so that lowercase_a and other would also be incremented. A similar purpose is served by the break statement for case 'a'. If c is a lowercase 'a', lowercase_a is incremented and the break statement terminates the switch statement body. If c isn't an 'a' or 'A', the default statement is executed.

Visual Studio 2017 and later: (available with /std:c++17) The [[fallthrough]] attribute is specified in the C++17 standard. You can use it in a switch statement. It's a hint to the compiler, or anyone who reads the code, that fall-through behavior is intentional. The Microsoft C++ compiler currently doesn't warn on fallthrough behavior, so this attribute has no effect on compiler behavior. In the example, the attribute gets applied to an empty statement within the unterminated labeled statement. In other words, the semicolon is necessary.

Visual Studio 2017 version 15.3 and later (available with /std:c++17). A switch statement may have an initialization clause. It introduces and initializes a variable whose scope is limited to the block of the switch statement:

An inner block of a switch statement can contain definitions with initializations as long as they're reachable, that is, not bypassed by all possible execution paths. Names introduced using these declarations have local scope. For example: Auto tune vst plugin.

Dev C++ Switch Color


A switch statement can be nested. When nested, the case or default labels associate with the closest switch statement that encloses them.

Microsoft-specific behavior


Dev C++ Programs

Microsoft C doesn't limit the number of case values in a switch statement. The number is limited only by the available memory. ANSI C requires at least 257 case labels be allowed in a switch statement.

The default for Microsoft C is that the Microsoft extensions are enabled. Use the /Za compiler option to disable these extensions.

Dev C++ Switch Statement

See also

Selection Statements

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