Windows.h In Dev C++


windows.h is a Windows-specific header file for the C and C++ programming languages which contains declarations for all of the functions in the Windows API, all the common macros used by Windows programmers, and all the data types used by the various functions and subsystems. It defines a very large number of Windows specific functions that can be used in C. The Win32 API can be added to a C programming project by including the <windows.h> header file and linking to the appropriate libraries. To use functions in xxxx.dll, the program must be linked to xxxx.lib (or libxxxx.dll.a in MinGW). Some headers are not associated with a .dll but with a static library (e.g. scrnsave.h needs scrnsave.lib).

Child header files[edit]

There are a number of child header files that are automatically included with windows.h. Many of these files cannot simply be included by themselves (they are not self-contained), because of dependencies.

Nov 20, 2016  Windows GUI Programming with C/C ( Win32 API ) Part -1 Creating a window - Duration: 23:53. The Pentamollis Project 189,103 views. 7 months ago Fernando Echeverrigaray posted a comment on discussion dev-cpp-users. Hi james, how did you do to perform and set the parameters? Or you used CMD of the Windows? Feb 01, 2008  Dev-C does not implement windows.h at all. The windows header is part of the Win32 API package from You can update it from there or via Tools-Check for Updates and Packages. With respect to targetting older versions of Windows.

windows.h may include any of the following header files:

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  • excpt.h – Exception handling
  • stdarg.h – variable-argument functions (standard C header)
  • windef.h – various macros and types
  • winnt.h – various macros and types (for Windows NT)
  • basetsd.h – various types
  • guiddef.h – the GUID type
  • ctype.h – character classification (standard C header)
  • string.h – strings and buffers (standard C header)
  • winbase.h – kernel32.dll: kernel services; advapi32.dll:kernel services(e.g. CreateProcessAsUser function), access control(e.g. AdjustTokenGroups function).
  • winerror.h – Windows error codes
  • wingdi.h – GDI (Graphics Device Interface)
  • winuser.h – user32.dll: user services
  • winnls.h – NLS (Native Language Support)
  • wincon.h – console services
  • winver.h – version information
  • winreg.h – Windows registry
  • winnetwk.h – WNet (Windows Networking)
  • winsvc.h – Windows services and the SCM (Service Control Manager)
  • imm.h – IME (Input Method Editor)

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Extra includes[edit]

  • cderr.h – CommDlgExtendedError function error codes
  • commdlg.h – Common Dialog Boxes
  • dde.h – DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange)
  • ddeml.h – DDE Management Library
  • dlgs.h – various constants for Common Dialog Boxes
  • lzexpand.h – LZ (Lempel-Ziv) compression/decompression
  • mmsystem.h – Windows Multimedia
  • nb30.h – NetBIOS
  • rpc.h – RPC (Remote procedure call)
  • shellapi.h – Windows Shell API
  • wincrypt.h – Cryptographic API
  • winperf.h – Performance monitoring
  • winresrc.h – used in resources
  • winsock.h – Winsock (Windows Sockets), version 1.1
  • winspool.h – Print Spooler
  • winbgim.h – Standard graphics library

OLE and COM[edit]

  • ole2.h – OLE (Object Linking and Embedding)
  • objbase.h – COM (Component Object Model)
  • oleauto.h – OLE Automation
  • olectlid.h – various GUID definitions


Several macros affect the behavior of windows.h.

  • UNICODE – when defined, this causes TCHAR to be a synonym of WCHAR instead of CHAR, and all type-generic API functions and messages that work with text will be defined to the -W versions instead of the -A versions. (It is similar to the windows C runtime's _UNICODE macro.)
  • RC_INVOKED – defined when the resource compiler (RC.EXE) is in use instead of a C compiler.
  • WINVER – used to enable features only available in newer operating systems. Define it to 0x0501 for Windows XP, and 0x0600 for Windows Vista.
  • WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN – used to reduce the size of the header files and speed up compilation. Excludes things like cryptography, DDE, RPC, the Windows Shell and Winsock.

See also[edit]

Wikibooks has a book on the topic of: Windows Programming
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#include Windows.h Dev C++

P: n/a
On Oct 26, 8:41 pm, 'Scott McPhillips [MVP]' <org-dot-mvps-at-
'RichardOnRuby' <RichardDummyMailbox58..@USComputerGurus.comwro te in
I just downloaded/installed GCC from MinGW .. worked beautifully.
I downloaded a small Windows C++ source and executable example from The .exe works fine. The .cpp
#includes a windows.h header.
Is there a publicly available Win32 version of windows.h?

windows.h includes lots of other .h files, so you need much more. Get the
free SDK here:
Scott McPhillips [VC++ MVP]
Hi Scott,
Thanks for replying. It's nice to hear from an expert.
I'm a retried Widows applications developer (Oct. 2001), but I'm
getting the itch to start programming again. After I posted my
question, I realized I should just hunt on my system, because I've
got Visual Studio 6 installed (and VS.Net, which I never used
So I found the SDK, so I should be able to get it working with GCC. I
want to use the open source stuff because it fits in nicely with the
web development tools I've started to use, like the Aptane IDE,
Firefox browser, Apache Tomcat web server.
Again, thanks for announcing the proper place to find the SDK. It's
stll be useful to know in case I need an updated version.
Best wishes,
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